plus a free student budget template that will change your life! This post is all about how to make a college budget. When you’re a student, sticking to a tight college budget is easier said than done. At the same time, staying on-track financially is no different than creating a morning routine or doing skin…
free printables
How to Make a Budget Planner (+FREE BUDGET PRINTABLES!)
DIY budget planner book that’s effective and super easy to make! This post is all about how to make a budget planner. If you’re new to managing your money or just feel a little lost, then you need to know how to make a budget planner – one that actually works. The good news? It…
Goal Setting Advice for College Students to Succeed
Smart goals for students + a free goal planning template for all areas of life! College is the most important time to take goal setting SERIOUSLY. These are the years where you want to have your fun, yes, but you also have your WHOLE LIFE ahead of you and you want to make sure you…