14 tips for the start of every new semester This post is all about preparing for a new semester. I love the quote that “failing to plan is planning to fail” because it’s so true… ESPECIALLY when it comes to starting a new semester in college. Why? If you don’t start off on the right foot, it’s…
first day of class
Online Class Tips That Will Guarantee a Successful Semester
How to Manage Online Classes as a College Student This post is all about online class tips. So, here’s what I know about you: You’ve been doing online school for a little while now but still don’t feel like you’ve mastered it. I hope it’s comforting to know that MANY students can relate. But that’s…
Note Taking in College Tricks That Make Studying Less Stressful
Note-taking examples and tips that will help you ace your college classes! This post is all about note taking in college. Note taking in college sounds a lot easier than it actually is. If you’re struggling with figuring out how to take notes in lectures (that are actually useful when it comes to studying), you’re…