14 tips for the start of every new semester This post is all about preparing for a new semester. I love the quote that “failing to plan is planning to fail” because it’s so true… ESPECIALLY when it comes to starting a new semester in college. Why? If you don’t start off on the right foot, it’s…
Best Amazon Prime Day Deals for Productivity in 2023
Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just want tools that will make your life easier… these are the best ones! This post is all about Amazon Prime Day deals. Amazon Prime Day deals are the best because whether you’re shopping for a friend, for yourself, for back to school, or just for fun, there…
17 Easy Time Management Strategies that ACTUALLY Work
Top time management techniques for work and studying that you forgot existed This post is all about time management strategies. I know you have a million things on your plate right now, because I do too and 90% of the people I know are crazy busy as well!! The truth is, it doesn’t matter how…
The BEST Guide to Time Blocking for Students
The best hack to use if you’re struggling with time management This post is all about time blocking. Time blocking is a really valuable time management tool, but most people get overwhelmed just by thinking about it! I promise it seriously doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Let’s break it down into some simple time blocking…
How to Stay Organized in College (15+ Easy Ways)
Best organization hacks for college so you’re always one step ahead! This post is all about how to stay organized. One of the most important things to know as a student is how to stay organized in college. Being successful in college is more than just studying and going to class. College is the perfect…
How to Stay Focused on Homework Even When You Hate It
If you’re really good at procrastinating, these are the productivity tips you need! This post is all about how to stay focused on homework. Every student knows that knowing how to stay focused on homework is a little easier said than done, ESPECIALLY when you absolutely hate the course or the assignment you’re doing. But…
Summer Ideas for College Students to Make You Productive
Looking for the most productive things to do in the summer for college students? Here are 21 suggestions! One of the best parts about a four-month summer in college is that you have SO MUCH TIME to relax… but you also don’t want to waste all that time. If you want to stay productive and…