Everything you need to know to succeed if you’re working while in college This post is all about how to balance work and school. If you’re juggling college and a job, props to you. LOTS of students do this, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy! That’s why knowing how to balance work and school is…
routine ideas for college students
Burnout in College: How to Recover Fast
Experiencing academic overwhelm? Here’s exactly what you need to do. This post is all about burnout in college. Have you ever thought, “I literally don’t have the time to finish all the things I need to do,” or seriously thought “I don’t know how I’m going to finish and pass all my classes this semester”?…
Morning Routine for School: Habits to Make Your Mornings Better
Essential wake-up habits that will keep you energized and productive! This post is all about improving your morning routine for school. Having a healthy morning routine for school is probably one of the biggest challenges you’ll face in college. Let’s face it: You’ve got more assignments than you can keep up with. You’re trying to…
Time Management For College Students: Proven Tips For Your Productivity
The exact time management skills you need for success This post is all about time management for college students. Time management for college students looks a little different than in high school or even the professional world. You have so much going on in your life! Your classes are incredibly demanding. You have some profs…
College Student Self Care Ideas That Are Actually Effective
Self care ideas to help you avoid burnout in college This post is all about college student self care ideas. If you’re a college student, I know I can safely bet that you’re finding it harder than you thought to avoid burnout and truly take care of yourself amid the busyness. If you’re a freshman…
How to Wake Up On Time for Your Morning Class
REAL tips on how not to sleep through your lectures! This post is all about how to wake up on time for your morning class. Before we get to the genuinely most effective tips EVER on how to wake up on time, I want to make sure you know something: I have NEVER been a…