Most popular books recommended by other successful 20-somethings!
This post is all about the best books to read in your 20s.
Every successful adult gets their life wisdom from somewhere. And if you’re a young adult hoping to be successful, then books are the perfect place to start! Here are the ten best books to read in your 20s!!
These aren’t just the 10 best books in my opinion… These are books that other 20-somethings swear by that have helped young adults everywhere get inspired and achieve success.
And by the way:
These books are in no particular order. It would be too hard to rank them, so here are just 10 suggestions and you can start with whichever one you think looks most interesting and helpful!
This post is all about the best books to read in your 20s.
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1. Clever Girl Finance by Bola Sokunbi
Clever Girl Finance is one of the first books I recommend when anyone asks me about financial books to read in your 20s…. especially if you’re still in college.
This book is such an easy read and will teach you how to view your money and manage it if you want to avoid debt and never let your credit card take advantage of you.
It’s an amazing book for young women seeking to learn more about their finances because this is a book written by a woman that you’ll be able to relate. You’ll seriously gain so much financial wisdom from her!
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2. Unshakeable by Tony Robbins
While we’re talking about the best finance books for young adults, here’s another one of the best books to read in your 20s to be successful.
Tony Robbins brings together financial advice from some of the world’s greatest financial minds and makes the information actually easy to digest and implement, no matter what stage of life you’re in!
I’m reading this book right now and loving it.
3. Atomic Habits by James Clear
You’ve probably heard about this book before and that’s because it’s become one of the most popular books for young adults over the past couple years.
If you struggle with forming good habits or routines, this book will be a huge game-changer for you!
Honestly, we could all use a little encouragement when it comes to forming good habits that will lead to success and this is one of those life-changing books to read in your 20s that will help you do just that!
4. Know Yourself, Know Your Money by Rachel Cruze
This has been on my reading list this year and I cannot wait to get to it!!
This isn’t just a regular old finance book. Rachel Cruze explains how your beliefs and personality impacts your spending decisions, and how this knowledge can help you understand yourself in a way that will help you start making better financial decisions.
5. Good Morning, Good Life by Amy Landino
If you’ve ever thought of waking up earlier or creating a healthier morning routine, but don’t think you have what it takes to get there, then you need this book!
Amy Landino talks all about morning routines and how to create daily routines that will improve your productivity, your happiness, and your life as a whole.
In my opinion, this is one of the most essential books for students because if you can create good habits as a student, then you’ll be set for life!
RELATED – Morning Routine for School: Habits to Make Your Mornings Better
6. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
If you’re looking for books you should read in your 20s that will help you better understand yourself and the way you think, this is a book you should buy right now!
It dives into the psychology behind how we make decisions, which will give you the knowledge you need to make better decisions in both your career and your personal life.
Decision-making is one of the most important things to master in your 20s!!
7. The Defining Decade by Meg Jay
As long as you don’t live under a rock, you’ve definitely heard people refer to your 20s as the time when you can goof off and have fun and not worry about it.
Well, this book talks about why your 20s actually DO matter for the long-term, which will empower you to make better decisions now that will serve you well later in life.
Having fun is great, but your 20s are still important and it shouldn’t be normal to waste this whole decade!
8. Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
Put Attached as one of the top books on your list of books to read in your 20s in 2022.
This book will help you understand why you are the way that you are in relationships. It dives into the psychology behind attachment styles and will seriously help you understand your relationships and friendships way better.
And, when it comes to dating life, this knowledge will help you more easily recognize when a relationship is good for you and when it’s just not.
Trust me… If having healthy relationships and understanding yourself are high on your priority list then you’ll want to read this book ASAP!
9. Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money by Dave Ramsey
If you’ve never learned Dave Ramsey’s money teachings and want a simple and straight-forward place to start to learn how to manage your money, this book is a great option!
I’m including this on the list of best books to read in your 20s because Dave Ramsey’s money strategies have really helped me understand how to manage my money and graduate college debt-free. And if that’s not success in your 20s, I don’t know what is!!
10. Start With Why by Simon Sinek
If you consider yourself entrepreneurial or even just want to be a great leader in your career, then this book will help you understand exactly what it takes to build success and lead people well.
It talks about what successful people throughout history had in common: they all started with why. And it teaches you how you can do the same, which is why this is one of the best business books to read in your 20s!
I haven’t read this one yet but it’s definitely on my reading list!
What book recommendations for college students or 20-somethings do you have? Leave a comment below with your fave books!
This post was all about the best books to read in your 20s.
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