+ Tips you can use to pay off your student loans faster! This post is all about how I’m saving to pay off student loans. Having student loans is considered normal these days, but nobody should like having student loans. The truth is, until you pay off student loans, it will be a burden in…
Money Management
Cheapest College Meals That Will Cost You Less Than $10
Most popular inexpensive recipes every university student needs to try!! This post is all about the cheapest college meals. One of the most valuable things you learn as a student is how to eat healthy on a budget. This list of the cheapest college meals will give you tons of inspo so that you’re not…
How to Make a College Budget You’ll Actually Stick to
plus a free student budget template that will change your life! This post is all about how to make a college budget. When you’re a student, sticking to a tight college budget is easier said than done. At the same time, staying on-track financially is no different than creating a morning routine or doing skin…
How to Make a Budget Planner (+FREE BUDGET PRINTABLES!)
DIY budget planner book that’s effective and super easy to make! This post is all about how to make a budget planner. If you’re new to managing your money or just feel a little lost, then you need to know how to make a budget planner – one that actually works. The good news? It…
College Budget Template That Will Make Your Budget Stupid-Simple
How to customize LVDletters’ free student budget printable This post is all about customizing your college budget template. I’m not going to sugar coat this for you: Managing your finances in college is hard. But having a really good college budget template eliminates the overwhelm of starting a budget from scratch and lets you skip…
Christmas Budget Hacks: How to Afford Gifts on a Budget
How to get the best possible gifts for your friends & family WITHOUT breaking the bank! This post is all about Christmas budget hacks. Christmas is all fun and games… Until it comes to the CRAZY money that is so easy to spend at this time of year if you don’t have a Christmas budget….
Ways to Save Money in College [STOP BUYING THESE!]
25 frugal ideas to save more throughout your college years This post is all about ways to save money. Whether you’re paying your own way through college or have parents helping you out, college is the time to start being wise about the money you have. Learning the best ways to save money is key…
Grocery Shopping on Budget: Valuable Hacks for College Students
9 ways college students can stop overspending on groceries This post is all about grocery shopping on budget. Are you a college student struggling to keep your grocery shopping on budget? Truthfully, this is probably one of the biggest struggles a college student can have. Keeping your grocery shopping on budget is so much easier…
How to Budget in College: 4 Simple Budgeting Tips
Learn the basics of how to budget in college so you can be financially stress-free This post is all about how to budget in college. If you’re a college student but you’re not majoring in anything to do with math or money, living on a student budget and learning how to budget in college is…