Is the college experience worth it? Here are 15 ways you can make sure it is!
This post is all about how to make the most of your college experience.
Whether you’re about to start college or you’re already halfway through, this is a time in your life that you’ll never be able to get back. So, why not learn how to make the most of your college experience?
There are a few simple actions you can take to ensure you’re having the best experience possible.
As someone who is about to graduate from college, trust me when I say that the tips in this post are things I really wish I did all the way through college!
This post is all about how to make the most of your college experience.
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1. Get involved
It’s way too easy to put too much on your plate as a college student, so I do NOT recommend stretching yourself way too thin.
That being said, it is important to get involved. This will help you make friends and even make professional connections that might help you get further along in your career in the future.
So, look for clubs, teams, and other extracurriculars that you can join. Even if you do something just for one year to try it out, it’s better than not trying at all.
[RELATED POST: How to Make Friends in College: The 7 Tips You Need to Know]
2. Get work experience
Don’t expect to just go through your classes and then land a job super easily when you graduate.
Lots of industries now require you to have some level of experience, even when you’re just starting out.
If you’ve got an internship or a placement built into your program, that’s great! But if not, then make sure you find another way to get work experience that’s related to your field… Even if it’s VERY much an entry-level position.
It will be so much easier to get the job you want in the future if you’ve already been building up your skills!
3. Don’t do things just for the sake of doing it
There’s lots of stuff to do in college, but don’t feel pressured to do anything just for the sake of doing it.
Some people love to party, others don’t.
Some people love going to sports games and other school events, and other people just aren’t that interested.
While you should try to get as many experiences as you can, don’t force yourself to go to parties, sports games, events, extracurricular activities, or even friendly hang-outs if you really don’t want to.
You’re not going to enjoy your college experience if you’re just doing things that college kids are “supposed to do”.
4. Learn how to manage stress
This is HUGE.
One big reason why people end up dropping out of college is because they can’t take the stress of it all.
There’s a LOT going on while you’re in college. You’re figuring out who you want to be, but on top of that, you’ve got lots of pressure to get good grades and make enough money to survive.
It can be super, super stressful.
The best way to deal with this is to learn how to manage your stress. If you’re currently asking yourself, “Is college worth it?” then just know that the answer is yes, it absolutely is worth it… IF you’re willing to put in the work of learning how to manage your stress well.
This is a super important life lesson that will stick with you, though, so don’t let it deter you from going to college. If you can handle college stress, you can handle anything.
Here are some strategies that will help you manage stress in college.
5. Don’t compare your experience to someone else’s
EVERYONE has a different college experience, and that’s perfectly normal!
There’s no “one size fits all” college experience. I definitely didn’t have a traditional college experience.
Not only do I go to a college in downtown Toronto where the campus is spread out into different buildings that are all super far from each other, I also never lived in a dorm OR even on-campus.
On top of that, the pandemic started at the end of my first year of college, so the two middle years of my degree were all done online.
Talk about a weird experience!
Do I sometimes compare myself to people who have had a “normal” college experience? Yes, because I often wonder what that would have been like for me. But I do NOT regret my experience at all because I know it shaped me and taught me so much.
So, don’t compare your life to anyone else’s!
6. Learn to budget
Budgeting is one of the #1 reasons why students drop out of college.
If you ask anyone, “Describe your college experience,” they will most likely say something about being broke or being super busy because they had to work a job at the same time.
However, learning to budget in college can be one of the most valuable experiences of your life because it teaches you what you really need to know for the whole rest of your life.
Don’t know where to start when it comes to budgeting in college? Grab this free monthly budget planner that makes it super easy to learn!
[RELATED POST: How to Make a Budget Planner (+FREE BUDGET PRINTABLES!)]
7. Get to know your program heads
Every major typically has a program chair and, if you can, it’s a great idea to get to know your program chair!
These are often people who are super educated and experienced in whatever field you’re studying. So, the more you can get to know them and network with them, the better!
I got to know my program chair over the course of my degree, and I’m glad I did because towards the end of my degree, I’ve been able to talk to her about my career plans and get her insight and advice.
Going forward, I’ll also be able to stay in touch with her. And it’s always a benefit when you’re in the working world to stay in touch with as many people as possible!
8. Get to know your profs
Similarly to the last point, it’s great if you can get to know profs that are teaching your major classes.
They might also have lots of experience and education that can help you get connected with new people and/or opportunities!
9. Prioritize your wellbeing
When thinking about how to make the most of your college experience, one of the most important things you can do is take care of yourself.
This is WAY easier said than done in university. Things get so busy and before you know it, it becomes really difficult to eat healthy, stay fit, and maintain your mental health.
It can feel impossible at times to make yourself a priority, but even finding small ways to do this really helps in the long run.
Here are a few easy ways I’ve learned to take care of myself in university:
- Go for walks (even 10-20 mins makes a difference)
- Get some sunlight (even just standing outside or working near windows!)
- Journal as often as possible (even if it’s just 1 page)
- Watch shows that make me laugh (just be careful not to binge watch)
- Keep my fave snacks on hand
- Stay in touch with close friends, asking them how they are frequently and updating them on my own life
- Devotional books that have quick daily devotionals to keep me in the right headspace
- Making playlists that make me happy!!
- Keeping lots of fruit on hand as a quick snack
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10. Plan ahead (like, way ahead)
Like I said before, don’t just think you’re going to graduate college and automatically get the job you want.
A lot of people I know have graduated and suddenly realized they didn’t know what they were going to do. So, they decided to get a master’s degree even if they didn’t really need one, or ended up going into a different field because they couldn’t find a job in their own industry.
It’s important to think from the beginning of small & big steps you can take to get yourself closer to where you want to be.
You don’t need to have it all planned out, but at least thinking about the future a little and trying to brainstorm how you can ensure you have plans for your next steps after college, will help lots in the long run.

11. Go to home games
Going to home sports games is something every college student needs to do for the experience.
Sharing that experience with your friends is just straight-up fun. And who wouldn’t want to have a little fun?!
12. Make use of your student benefits
Most schools provide certain benefits, unless you specifically opt out of it.
For example, in college, my school had a cheap insurance plan that enabled me to get 10 hours of free therapy, 2 free dental cleanings, one free eye exam, and two massages that were 80% paid for, each year.
While it might not be “enough”, it sure is something. I always had the philosophy that if it was there and free, why wouldn’t I take it?
So, check what student benefits your school offers and then make use of those! Even if you don’t feel like you need it all, why pass it up if it’s free?
13. Welcome people into your dorm or apartment often
My favorite thing about having an apartment throughout university is being able to invite friends over and keep an open door.
Whether you’re in an apartment with roommates, or in a dorm room, welcoming people into your space as much as possible is awesome because it really helps you foster great friendships.
This is definitely one of the easiest ways to make sure you have a good university experience!
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14. Don’t sweat the small stuff
As a student, it can be really easy to zone in on small stresses that feel big in the moment.
For example, you did badly on an assignment, or you got sick and missed an important class, or a friend is mad at you…
These kinds of situations always feel big in the moment, but 3 years from now, you probably won’t even remember it happened.
In those moments, I love asking myself, “Will I remember this 3 years from now?” because it really puts it into perspective. If the answer is no, then it’s honestly probably not something worth stressing about.
15. Don’t take the easy way out
There are certain experiences that come up in life that might be a little inconvenient, or a little more work than we’re willing to do.
It could be a course, an internship, or a job opportunity. But whatever it is, do NOT pass up on things just because you don’t feel like putting the work in.
If it’s something that’s going to serve you and give you great experiences and lessons in the long run, it’s worth it 9/10 times.
At the same time, we can’t do everything. So, use wisdom when deciding whether to say yes or no to opportunities. But in general, it’s always a good idea to make sure you’re not just passing up an opportunity out of pure convenience.
Are you excited for your college experience?
This post was all about how to make the most of your college experience.
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