Most popular inexpensive recipes every university student needs to try!! This post is all about the cheapest college meals. One of the most valuable things you learn as a student is how to eat healthy on a budget. This list of the cheapest college meals will give you tons of inspo so that you’re not…
making money in college
How to Make a College Budget You’ll Actually Stick to
plus a free student budget template that will change your life! This post is all about how to make a college budget. When you’re a student, sticking to a tight college budget is easier said than done. At the same time, staying on-track financially is no different than creating a morning routine or doing skin…
How to Make a Budget Planner (+FREE BUDGET PRINTABLES!)
DIY budget planner book that’s effective and super easy to make! This post is all about how to make a budget planner. If you’re new to managing your money or just feel a little lost, then you need to know how to make a budget planner – one that actually works. The good news? It…